As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Back to work

Friday was another work day for the team, and they worked hard. By lunch they (with the assistance of three guys from the village) had finished nailing down the floor of the haymow. There was enough lumber but Garry had to go buy more nails at one of the stores in the village around 9:30.
At lunch we enjoyed new potatoes and cukes, squash, and other veggies with dip. Cathy and Karen made two different apple desserts today. It was a hot day so this afternoon the guys were glad to work on putting up the milkhouse walls that Mike has been constructing this week while everyone is hammering away over his head. Cathy and Karen when outside to help with site cleanup. The work day was finished before five o’clock, with the framework of the milkhouse finished. The team is ahead of schedule on working on the barn (they fly out of Kiev on Tuesday afternoon). The guys started showering before dinner while we waited for Garry and the boys to return from Dnepro . Jonah had a little trouble eating dinner- now he has braces on the bottom too.
It cooled off nicely this evening; Jake and Garry G watched the cows hurry home past the gate. The team went for a walk to the store for ice cream, and to check out the house for sale down the street.

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