As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Merry Christmas

We have been enjoying time at home, seeing family and friends. Last week it was the farm Christmas party and we got a family photo. This was the best one, maybe we should pick a photographer older than twelve next time.
We have been busy celebrating birthdays, Friday we drove out to Morden for our daughter's birthday party.

On Sunday we celebrated Garry's birthday while watching the Eagles game. I baked the cake in the new oven. The thermostat went in the old stove and it was burning everything so Garry went shopping earlier in the week.  Most of the family came and ate hotdogs and chips,  ice cream and cake and the Eagles won, too.

Christmas eve Garry sang in the choir at Emmanuel EFree church. He misses singing in the choir, so he got back early enough to attend 3 practices.

Christmas morning Garry went out to help with the normal hurry up and milk so we can open presents time that we have done since our kids were small. Of course there weren't more than a thousand cows to milk back then, so I guessed we could start breakfast at 9:30. They finished early though so by the time our daughter and family had arrived from Morden, most people had eaten.

We had fun with stockings and opening  presents for a couple hours. Some of kids, like grandma, have been sick. I finally went to the doctor and got antibiotics for a sinus infection  last week. It was a nice day and our kids and grandkids enjoyed the hats I crocheted for everyone. I have been working hard to finish them all in time for Christmas since I did not have a lot of time for crocheting this fall.

Meanwhile back in Ukraine the students had a Christmas celebration with Shannon and Scott in the village. Shannon made chili and they handed out the present bags I prepared before leaving last month.

Victor drove out for it and he said it took three hours to drive back to Dnepro instead of the normal 45 minutes because of the snow. 
 This morning I woke up to birthday wishes on the internet, including Valentina's voice message singing in a mixture of English and Russian. Happy birthday savoinya (today). Our children are planning a party later today to celebrate my sixtieth year.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Life in Canada

Well Garry arrived last week, tonight he'll be at his second choir practice. One of the things he misses about living in Canada is singing in the choir so he plans to sing at the Christmas eve services at Emmanuel (our home church) in Steinbach.

Image may contain: one or more people and christmas treeRight now he is off across the border to mail the Christmas cards for Americans that I finished writing last night.  The Canadian ones are ready to mail today also. Most of them go to relatives on both sides of the border. I am still trying to get over my cold, it's mostly down to a nagging cough now. I've been busy getting ready for Christmas and babysitting.

Garry tells me he's going out to cut a tree today, so I'd better continue getting ready. At least I'll have a place to stack the presents. He plans to head back right after new years day so if you want to talk or see him, make plans now!