As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, May 21, 2012

Harder to find than you'd think...Nikolipolia

Map of Ukraine

If you ever try to come visit us here in Ukraine, you have to remember one thing, that our village Nikolipolia, is not Nikolpol !

Nikopol is a small city, not too far away, and you can catch a marschutka van or bus from either Dnepropetroesk or Zaporosia to that city. Often when we tell people here that we live in Nikolipolia, they immediately say that they have seen the one that goes to where we live! So Garry always says no, it's a small village between the two cities, you can take a marchutka or bus but just take one between the two cities and get off at the sign for the village, then it's a 2.1 km walk or if you have a cell phone, we can pick you up.

The other problem is the road sign and maybe your map, like mapquest has the name of our village in Ukrainian, not Russian. As you can see in the photo, it starts with an M instead of an N.

On Friday, Victor was out to the village and was expecting a Canadian to come to the village, he was taking photos, retracing the route of Mennonites from Europe to Canada, he had started in Holland. He was going to get to the village by public transportation, and unfortunately he got here much later than expected because he took a bus to Nikopol first. We never did meet him, Victor took him over the the village where the massacre happened across the highway. At one time I was told he'd be coming for pizza night before Garry drove him back, but he was enjoying picture taking so much he had Victor leave him there, so hopefully he found his way back to the city that night.

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