I love you too, Polo, down! |
Polo has a habit of jumping on me when I walk outside- to show how happy he is to see me, but it's not so good when it is muddy out!
Grape vines are growing and the roses are blooming.... |
Friday morning it was wet and raining, in fact we got the first good soaking since last fall, making Garry and his cornfields very happy. It is still muddy today, as you will see when we had a tour bus of Mennonite heritage people stop in late this afternoon.
Friday afternoon we went into Dnepro, Garry and John got to shoot off rockets with another English class, ironically on Rabotcha street, near the rocket factory. Light rain was falling, but most of them got off, one blew up on it's second launch, about 10 feet in the air. Good thing they are made of paper and tape and powered by compressed air!
Before the class we went downtown, hoping to go bowling, but our favorite bowling alley has closed it's doors, and we don't know if it will re-open! The mall was packed with parents, kids and teenagers since it was the last day of school and they were celebrating. Many of the grads were dressed up, the boys in suits and the girls in dresses, including one group that seemed to be going for the Japanese school girl fashion, with white lace kneesocks, short shirts, blouses and hair in two ponytails with the big puffy hair things the little girls wear! I wish I had brought the camera....
Today Garry, his brother John (who will be leaving Sunday afternoon on the train to Kiev, he flies home to Michigan on Monday) With the assistance of Andrei and Maxim, worked on getting the first section of fence up, and you can see it looks nice. One person in the village stopped by to ask how much it cost. There was a steady procession of people in to buy brewers grain this morning, we still sell more than we feed our own cows by far. As you can see the rain brought some cooler weather, I think it was a nice change for John, he has been here three weeks and it was plus 30 C (80-90F) most of the time!
digging fence post holes |
Brrewers grain customers are coming in by motorcycles |
with side cars and trailers |
The village herd was grazing across the pond near the collective barns this morning (the one they are remodelling is the far one) |
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