As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Well, as you can see by the number of blog entries- it's been a busy week with the cows coming. Garry has been very happy- he is finally dairy farming in Ukraine.
He was excited today- 3 different people from the village stopped in (that do not speak English) and he was able to understand what all of them wanted while Maxim was gone to get a different headlight for the Lada (he got the wrong one before) One wanted to borrow a tractor this afternoon, one wanted to have his garden cultivated, and I don't remember what he said the other was. I know he lent the tractor to the guy that moved the dirt before the barn was built, and Maxim went to do the cultivating after lunch. Garry tells me it was the water truck guy, who was yelling from the gate (most people will not walk up the driveway without an invite- except the one's that know the crazy Canadians think they are supposed to) he wanted to know if this was Victor Dantsev's house for the water.
The cows are settling in nicely, most were very excited when the brewer's grains finally arrived on Friday (the guy said Wednesday, maybe Tuesday) to balance out their diet. Milk production was up today with that extra protein. You can see that they have horns, some are very pointy and they know how to use them - I was in the barn yesterday and heard a bellow- one of the cows with the pointy horns had got loose and jabbed another cow sending her right under the rail, looking unhappy in front while the bully ate her feed. I went over and chased her back to her own stall and clipped her back on. Garry led the other cow back around.
Garry and Maxim are still driving the ladies back and forth for milkings- they are waiting to move until they are paid for their last month of milking on the other farm- they only were paid once a month, and are afraid they will not get paid if they leave before she pays them. They are using the red Lada- Victor wants us to come to his church for their Thanksgiving celebration tommorow so he had to make sure we'd get there!
Good news the car will be fixed by Sunday night so Garry can take off early Monday to get his parents at the airport.

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