As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wrapping up the week

I just spent ten minutes trying to log in to do this post---someone's changed the log-in page---which wouldn't be a problem if it didn't come up in Ukrainian (I think- maybe it's Russian--so I'm guessing what goes where, or if I made a mistake typing the password) For some reason where your computer is dictates language until I log in.
Got a little kitten climbing my leg. Garry fell asleep on the couch around 8 pm, after pizza and McGyver Night- he was watching Michigan State play football. I should be sleeping so that I wake up in time to watch the Phillies at 3 am.
The puppies are trying hard to fit in- they spend most of their time in Seth and an Jonah's room, and are using the puppy pad- most of the time. There's a tile floor in there, and we'll stock up on paper towels when we get to town. They have decided that this is home- I took them outside for a walk and they took off barking after the neighbor's dog. They must already know the role of the village dogs, protecting their yard. Polo came back as soon as I called them but fluffy little Marco chased it halfway across the yard before she turned and came back. Looks like Polo is going to be bigger than Marco- she's a ball of fluff that likes to stand on her back feet half the time.
We will be going to church in the village in the morning-- the car has not been put back together yet, so we can't drive anywhere (see the post from earlier this week for a photo.) Garry got his hair cut last night- one of the girls in the village is taking a hairdressing course in Zaporosia and has cut his hair a few times when she is home on weekends.
Garry has finished pouring cement for the walls of the pit today, and worked on getting more boards on the roof of the machinery shed. Basically the same as yesterday, except they moved manure to the field today. The boys helped for a while this morning, as Maxim is helping with milking.
Yana has taken a vacation- she left on Thursday - it's her first in 2 1/2 years of milking cows. Max is milking 5 and Luba is milking the rest of Yana's cows along with her regular ones. Since they milk three times a day, it has cut into the shed building time. Garry has mentioned that since we got cows there is less time for other things- even though he's not milking, feeding and bedding the cows takes up time, so they don't get started on other things until nearly 10 am.

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