As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Back in the village

I have one last post to put up about our trip to Egypt, but it will have wait for tomorrow. Meanwhile, we are back in the village, and Garry is busy planning for his barn reno again. We came home from Kiev on the express train as planned, it spite of the change in times flying back- the carrier was changed in the two weeks we were gone. No problem, it was a nicer plane with better food, and we got through customs quickly and caught a bus to the train station, and got there with 35 minutes to spare. Garry ran over to Mc Donalds for some dinner, so we ate hamburgers after boarding the train.

Even met someone I know- a summer English Institute student and friend who happened to be in the same car or wagon, as they say here, we were in number four. I was pretty out of it by that point(feeling tired and sick), I think I finally caught what Garry had last week at the resort. Victor drove us home after the train got to Dnepro just after 11:30, say a bad accident on the highway, but we had no problems. Victor said it rained on Saturday.

The driveway is quite muddy, we drove to Metro this afternoon for groceries- the cats and boys had about run out while we were gone. It was so warm today that some of the village poultry were out this afternoon, I saw some geese and ducks along the main street and a rooster and couple hens at the edge of the village. I could see that lots of snow has melted already, the fields are looking bare, even muddy, with some snowbanks left in spots. The winter wheat fields are looking wet and brownish with a little green, the half-drowned look of spring. There was some snow flurries on the way to Dnepro and as we got back to the village, giant snowflakes were drifting down and sticking on top of the mud.

Garry walked down to the store before lunch to buy bread and something to drink- there wasn't a bottle of anything left in the house (and no milk they sold it all in the morning- the tank was empty.) He told me it was a good thing he had bought the kind of bread that comes in a plastic bag instead of the unwrapped kind today when he came in the house and changed his clothes and put the ones he was wearing into the washer. He was on his way home and thought he'd wash his boots off in a puddle, but when he stepped in it, he slipped on the ice hiding under the water and fell in. Must have been quite the splash, since the inside of his grocery bag was wet. He told Maxim that swimming was better in Egypt, because the water was warmer.

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