At our house, we celebrate all week, starting with our daughter's birthday on the 20th, Garry on the 22nd and mine on the day after Christmas. so normally its a week full of family celebrations. However with covid restrictions we have celebrated mostly via the internet. We have passed gifts around and the crocheted gifts I was making all year were hits, the boys really liked their dinosaurs.
I had fun theming Garry's birthday party as 64, like the Beatles ' song... will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64... I told him we'd see. This morning I phoned my dad and he sang happy birthday to me. Garry got our younger boys to help him buy me a chromebook (since you have to order and pickup non-essential shopping, he couldn't just go to the store) which I thought would be good for writing blogposts. I'm trying it out now.
Victor says things are going good in the village. The students are planning a big celebration for New Years Eve, but had one in class with Larissa on Christmas Eve. Traditionally New Years was the holiday celebrated in Soviet times, so it still is the important one for the students. Most of the group is in this photo from the 24th.