As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, February 12, 2011


It feels warmer today- around zero C, wet snow falling, the kind for making snowmen or snegbabas – snow babooshka- or grandmother. Seth and Jonah worked on this one after lunch and before we did the weekly Biology review (to prep for the test.)We had an inch or two of snow last night, while the wind was blowing. I do not think they have ever made a snowman in Manitoba in February- too cold. In Manitoba the snow doesn’t stick together except in fall and spring for snowmen and snowballs. It does crunch and squeak underfoot and sparkle in the moonlight however. Thirty below will freeze the inside of your nose if your take a deep breath – at least the first few winters.

Garry reports that the cows were up in production again- over the 550 liter mark yesterday, even though he has been cutting back the amount of sunflower meal that he had been feeding. In fact, he is going to cut it out altogether since the ration says the cheaper ground wheat will be fine with the brewers’ grain. He has found someone to plant the corn and alfalfa for him in the spring, so he won’t have to buy a seeder or corn planter. He is planning to buy a used manure spreader, and of course the milking equipment and milk cooler in the spring. Right now the milk stays cold enough but we want to have refrigeration before the hot days arrive in May.

Garry just came in from a walk to the store and tells me that Seth and Jonah are having a snowball fight with the boys down the street- they were going to get a candy bar before we started Biology- this extra work on Saturday isn’t going well this week! It seems boys are the same everywhere when it comes to snow. I guess I’ll get to work making the Tim Horton’s style double chocolate donuts recipe I found online.

Giant feather pillow fight snowflakes are falling outside now, and Garry bought me an early Valentines' present- Raffaello- the snowflakes look as big as the coconut covered balls.

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