As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Friday, March 9, 2012

Car Market

Yesterday morning (yes it was women's day and I got another lovely plant from Andrei -and Maxim I think, Garry had bought me one on Wednesday, and a candle from Victor, who was out to pick up milk to sell) Garry and Maxim went to Zaporosia for the weekly car market to buy the final parts to fix the neighbor's payloader tractor. Here's some photos early in the fixing project, they welded all new teeth on bucket over the last week.

They actually went over to start cleaning out the barn this morning, since the payloader's remont is finally finished. Andrei came racing back on foot, Garry got stopped by the police in the car in the village, he was driving the car about a km, I think, and he had not taken his wallet, Andrei huffed and puffed in asking me for Garry's documents about 5 or 10 minutes after they left.

Anyway Garry took a camera, and here are some photos of the car market, where you can buy any kind of part to fix your car or tractor, and even used cars. You can see they even took a picture of their purchases as they loaded them in the back of the Lada.

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