As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, August 17, 2017

On his way

Garry is , as I type, somewhere in the sky between Paris and Minneapolis. In about fifteen hours he'll land in Winnipeg (our flights had a long seven hours in Minnesota this time). He had been so busy at home with chopping corn and doing things with the students (and freezing the sweet corn in the garden) that he didn't pack until two hours before leaving for the train to Kiev.

I happened to phone him so he could look for the Hebrew book I wanted him to bring along for Max Boradin ( he has signed up for Hebrew this fall at college, and I had one of the books he needed) when Garry discovered that he had his Canadian passport but not his Ukrainian resident document, which looks like a thin passport. It was not in the cupboard where he keeps it (sometimes he has it out for some official need, like banking and forgets to put it back).  He ended up coming without it as he did not find it in time, He said it took a while to get through customs without it, not sure what happens when we get back at the end of the month!

Image may contain: 23 people, people smiling, people standing, tree, child, outdoor and natureHe had just returned from a last lunch with the students, a hot dog roast at the pond, and was telling me what a wonderful time it was. Earlier this week the group from Kiroy Rog that many of our last year students were sent by had come out with some American visitors to the farm and put on a program for the students which impressed Garry very much. There's even a photo I found on facebook.

Well lots to do before tonight, I have a dentist appointment to fix a bad filling this morning (the last of my medical appointments for this trip) I have to finish cleaning, make lunch for the guys working on third cut hay (if the rain has not stopped them for a second day) and hope to help with more painting of granddaughter rooms if I can squeeze it in today.

For our MB readers, we plan to be at the early church service in Steinbach this Sunday and at the Wednesday prayer team meeting at Emmanuel next week. Its going to be a busy ten days, with Garry's parents visiting us, Garry's appointment with the foot doctor and a trip out to Brandon to meet a couple who may become part of our team in Ukraine.

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