As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, March 21, 2019

they're here

I forgot to take photographs of the BC team as they came into the airport in Dnepro Tuesday evening and had some food at McDonald's before driving back to the village in the van with Garry and I.  Victor and Dasha greeted them at the airport,  too. Dasha helped Jack file a report for the missing suitcase, only 11 of 12 arrived with them. Luckily it was not the one with Jeremy's tools in. We got Jack and Jeremy settled in at our house with the suitcases after Garry walked over to the Crawfords with the new guys, Mick and his son Isaiah.

Seven am Wednesday they were here for breakfast oatmeal and muffins.  After devotions led by Scott,  the day of work began.

Scott had a dentist appointment in Dnepro so Mick went with him and Shannon there because he wanted to buy new eyeglasses like Jack did last year.  They missed out on lots of work until they returned around 3:30. Shannon got busy when they got back, however because she made dinner.

I did breakfast,  brought drinks and snacks and made the big pot of soup and sandwiches for everyone working.

Now for some photos of people working! Here's the house before they arrived.
These photos were taken between ten am and 3:30. They got even more done because they didn't quit until almost seven pm (I had told Shannon it would be dark and they'd be quitting at six, so dinner would be at 6:30). I should have known better!

Of course, Garry was going between the two worksites. Max was busy starting the welding over there, while Garry was setting up the wood forms to pour the first wall for the heifer barn. There were a couple students working over there. I delivered snacks but they came over to the house worksite for lunch. Garry missed lunch, he made his first trip of the day for more supplies.

Here's the site for the heifer barn two weeks ago,  and some photos today.

After Shannon's delicious meal,  Garry and Jeremy went to Zaporosia for more supplies for Thursday. Everyone else visited,  including Jack's Ukrainian friends who arrived around four pm.

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