As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Birthday days

 Well Garry is off to teach English, with his phone charging in the car and hopefully going to work now.  Yesterday evening it was displaying a dire message about replacing modules but I googled it and it could be dirty contacts for charging and so I cleaned it this morning, which hopefully fixed it because phone stores won't be open until Monday as Ukraine has moved to an essential (grocery and drug stores and take out for restaurants) service only open for weekends. If you are wondering, I see the problem in where he is going this morning, but they said they are having classes.

Last night we were a little busy with other things, yesterday morning for cooking class we (me and four students, every one else was working) made an apple walnut cake which we enjoyed as Denis' (one of the very new students) birthday cake at six o'clock. We also had Misha's very corn covered pizzas, along with a couple pizzas I made before he arrived at five to make his pizzas. Garry and the students also played games while waiting to eat. Denis got a cool Canada toque as his gift.

This morning I have a pile of dishes to wash, we are still working on the what to do about moving/buying a dishwasher problem. I think we are going to buy a narrow one to go by the sink, but it will be the new year before we get one, as we are flying home for December. Mostly we just need (wish we had?) one when we have everyone here eating, because we don't use disposable plates and cups. 

I'm actually getting ready to bake a chocolate cake as long time student Sasha Borchuk turns 27 (I think) today, about ten years older than the new guys, anyway. Sasha is cheery guy, willing to work, but tends to forget things, we think he's got fetal alcohol syndrome, because he will forget instructions on how to do things halfway through a job. Sasha is getting some framed photos and several pairs of socks, because he's always asking for some. That's Sasha in blue giving Misha a hand with grating cheese. He hates having his photo taken, and makes me delete ones he doesn't like.

 I'd better get to work, because I think from the message I received from Valentina she's working this afternoon and no one wants to watch Angelina. Normally one of the other moms do it, but a couple days ago she showed up at one o'clock with no one to watch her, so I was babysitting for a couple hours. Angelina was a little grumpy before I got her to fall asleep. Garry pointed out I was sleeping when he came in, and took a photo. Of course he said we could babysit and then went to find something else to do!

This evening we are taking a masked group of students shopping for groceries and I believe, mittens from what I understood yesterday while we were baking. Right after the birthday cake cutting. 

Re previous post- Latest update on Valera was the hospital is giving him until Monday to show signs of improvement.

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