As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, November 12, 2022

He's going!

Wednesday morning, I will be taking Garry to the airport for his trip to Ukraine! He's really happy about getting to go (the mission came up with a way and is looking at changing the policy that has kept us in Canada) and is off finding stuff for Max's wish list of farm machinery parts this morning! I'm filling his bag with clothes for the new babies and kids in Ukraine, and warm socks for all the students (my traditional Christmas presents for them).

He will be traveling with Adam Nikkel and Daryl Porter, they will go to the church and mission in Kirvoy while Garry heads to the village for a couple weeks. I'm sure it will be warmer and less snowy there, as we got a pile on Friday evening. 

This week we took a day at the cottage, putting stuff away, since we won't be out there until December, and checking for Garry's missing wallet. It wasn't there (he booked his flight anyway) but it turned up when I was searching for something I wanted to pack for one of the students. I packed and unpacked those suitcases too many times to remember where everything is now. I did eventually find the item I was looking for, it's in the suitcase.

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