As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's cold outside

Today Garry spent most of the day in Dneprotroesk speaking to English classes at the Lyceum (high school) that Victor’s son Daniel attends. He says he spoke to two assemblies of about 100 students and one smaller class at the end of the day. Here we did math tests today along with our normal school work. Our Wednesday plans have changed- team meeting has been moved to next Monday due to a number of colds and illnesses in other families. So Victor is coming out- the steel is arriving and Garry hopes to get the feed bin made so it will be full of ground feed when we leave for Canada next week (and safe from mice.)
When I went outside to feed the puppy today he had a problem- a big brown hen from next door that hangs around the yard was stealing his dinner. Polo occasionally barked to chase her away but the chicken was defiantly sneaking back in for more- as you can see in the photo. It was nice outside-warm enough that I didn't need a coat this afternoon, so I shooed the hen away for a while so Polo could eat most of his dinner.

The sun was even shining today- the yard is pretty muddy from yesterday’s rain. Garry even got a load of slag for the driveway again this week- luckily before the rain.
Garry took a picture of the new calf when he went out to check on the barn- the wind is blowing hard out of the north tonight. In fact, before he went to bed at ten he decided to turn the water off in case it freezes the lines to the water bowls tonight (prevention-less to fix that way). He said that it is definitely warmer in the barn than outside but there is quite a bit of air blowing in even with the new improved glued-down seams (it’s a good thing that was done). It is about -4 C at 11 pm- the predicted low for Dnepro is -7. We’ll see how cold it gets in the barn by morning.

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