As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Home and news from the farm - from Monday

While we are enjoying the cold (-33 C) Manitoba weather and hanging out with family, Garry had exciting news from Ukraine- another cow has calved- the one with horns about a foot and a half long- and gave birth to a heifer (female) calf. Our herd is getting bigger, they were waiting until Garry left, I guess.

Garry went out to the barn here on Friday morning and decided everything looked much bigger here than on the farm in Ukraine- the barns, machinery and even the cows! I was waiting until Monday to publish this story because Garry has been keeping a secret from the family at home- ever notice that all the photos lately never showed his face? That's because he has been growing a surprise beard (the last time he had a beard was 25 years ago) and all the kids had not seen it yet. Somehow this post got lost and didn't get published so here is Garry with his beard for all of you to see. He said he would shave it off after everyone saw it but it still exists as of December 18th!

It could be he was too busy- he has been driving and visiting everyday since we got home- he even flew to Calgary for a day and half for a meeting about a Mennonite Brethren project that

may happen in our village. We met with most of the members of the Steinbach building team on Friday night and an enjoyable time was had by all. Saturday we drove out to our daughter's house in Morden to celebrate her birthday early- Garry and the boys are playing basketball again on Monday, her actual birthday. They won the game on Wednesday night, after his Calgary trip, Garry even scored once. He got in a round at the Golfdome Friday afternoon in Winnipeg with one of the his golfing buddies and our son Josh.

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