As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, December 6, 2010

The real team meeting

Last night I actually did some more cooking for today. We left home around 9 am this morning with Maxim, first we went to Nadeeya- one village to the right on the highway to give the trucker for the brewers' grain money to get another load. Then we headed toward Dnepro with a detour to Salonya to drop Maxim off at the mill where the "compicorn" would be ground. All the time we were driving I was balancing this cake on my lap in the front seat, while Seth held the tree and Jonah the taco layer dip on his lap.

We try to get together- the efccm missionaries in Dnepro (and us) about once a month for team meeting- Novemeber was so busy we never got together, so we decided to have one for sure before we left for Canada this week. So this week Saturday Marina N, native Ukraianian missionary and part of our team is getting married to Zenya, who was a student at English Summer Institute two summers ago- last January when we booked our tickets with return date of this Thursday they were not even dating so we are missing the wedding.

Anyway the rest of the team decided to surprize Marina (and Zenya) with a -its all about you- pre-wedding party at team meeting. Marina did not even catch on to the theme for about 5 minutes until she noticed that all the tree ornaments on the tree in front of her were hearts! Zenya came in a few minutes later, and we had a good time- Orben and Trish had even gotten good wishes via email from some former team members. We had a special prayer time for them to ask God to bless their new life together (and to pray for safety on the honeymoon- they are going to Sharm-El Sheik in Egypt where the shark attacks took place in the last week!)

We always have a meal together, normally Trish Bellamy has us bring stuff for a shared lunch since we meet at their house most months and today we had lots of goodies- Olya had made little shells -some shaped like hearts with delicious fillings- like shrimp, or egg. I made a heart-shaped cake last night after our company left.

Afterwards Seth spent more than an hour in the chair at the dentist- all new braces and now he has rubberbands to stick on at night- no face mask like Jonah, but now he will be more sympathic to his brother I think.

We hurried home after the dentist- once we got out of the downtown traffic- so Garry would be there when the grain truck came. Turned out the compicorn will be delivered until Tuesday- Maxim came back by marshuska around noon. Wednesday we leave for Kiev so Tuesday will be packing and dissecting a cow eye for biology class for the the boys.

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