As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Trade school

 Click on the link above to see  another story about the trade school as featured on Ukrainian television, I used google translate to translate the text printed below the video, then highlighted the mistakes and made corrections so it is easier to read---not sure if they are the fault of the report or bad translation (some are for sure), could be both!

In the Zaporozhye region of Ukraine opened the first non-state vocational school, He created started in the the village Nicolas Golf Community Nikolia Polia by Christian Mennonites from Canada. Orphaned children there are taught to be farmers and pastoralists. How to train future professionals agrarian - saw our correspondents.Foreign Language Lessons 17-year-old Sasha does not pass (up?). Soon going to go to animal practice in Canada (we hope to send the students for summer work experiences in Canada, so they are learning English). In training and production center teaches English, the wife of a Canadian farmer who 4 years ago in search of new experiences moved to Nicolas and Paul  Nikoliapolia founded the   (starting a)dairy farm. And this year, the family, along with Canadian friends opened a training center. Gaining back orphaned and homeless, and teach them to farmers.Sasha Korzhov, apprentice training center for "New Hope":- Of English uchu, fermerskoe hozyajstvo to cow hodym, upravlyaemsya, feed cows. Anatomy of us is, zoohyhyena, As Next,kak (Russian for what) right there? What are the disease in cows? (This part has to do with the subjects being taught, English, anatomy of animals, computers, Christian ethics, to improve the students minds)Education Center received a license to train farmers. Teens are learning and living: they built a small hostel.( the foster family homes )Harry Verhuh Garry Verhoog says: "Ukrainian Canadian cattle compared with a more modest look.(maybe Ukrainian cows are smaller than Canadian ones- I have no idea what this is) So the development of this industry will give orphans guaranteed jobs."Harry Verhuh, Canadian farmer: (A lot of Urainians call Garry Harry)" I know that when they get good agricultural education and learn the basics of modern agricultural technologies, they will have the chance to get a good job."Students learn not only the center of livestock, but also Skills used to live in society after childhood in orphanages.  Now here a half dozen teenagers. Later - will be more.Faith Korablina, leader training center for "New Hope":- And here IOP in school, we im daem professyonalnoe education, and the family ones adaptyruyutsya. And in the future, we verym, that ones will be able to safely live. Ona WILL vostrebovannыmy specialist. And importantly, we hotym, When raskrыlys ones. ( I think--- 
 something like we hope to not just train the students in a trade, but change the lives of former orphans so they can become sucessful members of society- )Zaporozhye authorities also blessed discovery center and gives it a methodological assistance. They are convinced that the more in schools, where children are taught, the better the future will be in the region.Authors: Sergey Morgun, Yuri Kolomiets, Viktor Petrenko. First National.

After the news stories aired, the Ukrainian director Maxim had a phone call from a northern area farmer asking when our students would be ready to hire, so I guess they will be able to get jobs!

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