As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our trip with Yana

 Here they are finally, a photo montage of last week Saturday, when we drove Yana home with her bull calves in the back of the Lada for a couple hours, out past  the small city of Tokmak on a sunny fall day.
Last week the trees still looked amazing! There are fewer leaves now

Garry stopped on a bridge over the tracks so I could take this photo

Here is Garry, Max, Yana and her mother Jenia loading up the calves in the back of the car before we left in the morning.
Polo and Spotted Box (one of Box's Kitten)

You can see my reflection in the window and the calf looking out

The long ride over, Garry unties the calves

 The calves had a quiet trip, lots of padding back there, and only one made a pile as we were driving there, so not bad, and as you see they were happy to arrive at their new home.

The calves went to Yana's parents house

Yana's parents' house
 When we got there we were invited in for a bowl of borsht, made by Yana's father. Very meaty and filling. They had picked some hot peppers from the garden for Garry, he chopped up half one and put it in his soup and wow did he sweat! They also have wonderful bread from the neighbor magazine (store) We had some very tasty tea also, sitting in the little kitchen.
Next dorr they have an outdoor stove

Garry made friends with the dogs

Garry and Yana washing their hands before we ate.

 Before we left, Yana showed Garry the potbellied pig. They are very popular here, they make tasty meat, but eat like a goose we are told, they grow better than regular pigs on poor feed.

This duck was going into a bag.

 WE brought three bags of stuff back for Genia, Yana's mother, one with some stuff inclucing her reading glasses she had left the last time she was home, and two bags with a live duck in them.
Here is Yana's house a few blocks away

 Garry went in the fence to see a calf Yana bought last year. Yana's husband came out of the house when we dropped her off, she is staying for a week or two, someone else is helping her mother milk the cows, one of the local vets, who was working at the gas station before, but quit. We didn't know Yana was married until she had worked for us for a year.


We drove around town a little and took some photos

house with tile roof

Saw this bird on the drive back

It was a lovely day to take a drive

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