As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Snowy day

We got a couple inches of snow last night and it made some big drifts.

 Garry was surprised when "tall Max" - one of the students showed up before daylight to help feed the cows. The students are assigned work experience through the week, but not on weekends. However Max likes to work so much he comes to help every weekend! He insisted that walking in the blowing snow was nothing. Garry made him and our Max muffins for breakfast while they finished up feeding the cows - there are only two wheelbarrows right now. The students have been showering here at the house after they work, the guys have been doing it since before we went home to Canada, and now some of the girls are too. Apparently the foster houses have a water shortage, and now they are all clean when they go home.

The milk buyer even showed up this morning in spite of the bad roads, however they got their van stuck trying to get in the driveway. Our Max had to get the tractor started and clean out the drifts that formed last night. It didn't help that there is some ice on the road under the snow!
the view from the front window

Garry decided we should drive to Zaporosia for the pro basketball game that was scheduled. He had talked to someone in the city who said the roads there were in good shape. I was doubtful, but we set off. and had to get Maxim to come get us out of a big pile of snow the plows on the highway had formed at the end of the village road. We stopped a picked up a lady who had been standing on the side of the road waiting for a ride while we were waiting for Max and the tractor. Her friend and daughter - about 12 - had gotten a ride earlier, they looked cold standing there in the wind as cars and trucks whizzed past kicking up snow.

She talked on her cell as we drove and didn't seem worried- it was a bit of a wild ride, some of the highway was drifted, some had one lane cleared, we caught up to traffic, and even detoured - unofficially onto the other side of the road for a kilometer or so behind another car when there were cars in the ditch...or all over the road, even the car pulling a trailer with two horses that we had seen while we were stuck--- lucky they were just waiting for it to clear not in the accident/stuck cars.
plow coming

now we are driving on the other side of the road

There was a scary moment when we returned to the track on our side of the road and when the old Lada in front of us slid a little in front of Garry, but we got to the dam around game time- and got a call from John, whom we'd asked to buy our tickets since we'd be getting there late- no game, so did we want to go for lunch with him. We went to a nice Italian place and had lunch and then headed home by four, the road was better, less traffic, but it was drifting again....we'll see how it is in the morning for the drive to church.

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