As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Selling milk

You may remember that Garry bought a cream separator before I came home last week to make products to sell from unsold milk- sleeve-key (cream you can stand a spoon up in) and the cottage cheese like product made from the skimmed milk (which is somewhat soured) He sold all he had last week at church, and even sold more milk than normal, which surprized him. However, he has not made any more this week, they have been busy with cultivating the land and planting crops.
The box for the separator was filled with bags of cheese Sunday

Someone  carrying their milk home after church

A milk truck we saw going into the city on Sunday morning - see the word MOLOKO on the back?

He is checking into finding a milk company that will pick up all the milk, frustrated with the constant wondering if all the buyers will show up and the milk tank will be emptied out every couple days so it can be cleaned- and the milk in it stay fresh.

Today there was no problem emptying the tank, nor will there be this week, as it is Easter week and the only kind of Ukranian baking that uses milk- the making of paska bread - is taking place.

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