As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Here and there

the sudan grass 2 weeks ago
I have news from Ukraine, Garry must miss me as he phones me often when he gets up in the morning- which is 11 pm the night before here!
When Garry phoned the other night he said he was very happy with his hay pile- it is stacked  bales high over half of the haymow. He said they were getting a load of brewers grain today, which was the first he had bought in 6 weeks and with all this feed, he may not buy another. They have been having lots of rain, the sudan grass is ready to start green-chopping for the cows to eat this week- hard to believe as it was tiny when I left two weeks ago.

My time in New Jersey with my parents and siblings is growing short, as I fly to Winnipeg on Wednesday. Here are a few things I have done on the farm here. Every morning I take my parents' dog, Jackie for a walk. It is usually too early for the paper at 6 am, when we get to the end of the laneway, so we have to walk back later, but she wants to see if the neighbors' dog is outside.

Then we go see the baby pigs

and the bigger pigs, she likes this one a lot

and the goats

This is the before picture of the barn

My brother feeds brewers grain too.

Cows waiting for morning milking
 I decided to pull down all the vines and cut the little trees off by the barn on Monday morning, trying to help my little brother out, as he is milking the cows now.
This is the after photo

More cows in the field- mostly heifers

Jackie checking out an interesting smell on a walk

My father and brother baling that hay up from last post

My poison ivy that broke out on Thursday- bad vines!
I am still itchy- from my wrists to my elbows and my knees between my boots and shorts look like this photo! I should have used the anti- ivy stuff on more than my hands on Monday.

 My dad and my sister and I went to plant some flowers at my grandparents' graves for Memorial day last week, and I looked around the Emley's Hill church graveyard for more ancestors.
 the cemetery- this is my great-great-great grandfathers stone

On Sunday there was a lost baby deer by the house

The neighbors cut down the rye next door and it ran around for hours

I grew up near McGuire AFB - always planes overhead

Wow could he run!

I saw a Momma deer that evening, so I think he found her

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