As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Jet lag

 So far, so good. We are going as non-contact as possible, in the hopes of avoiding the virus. Garry has been out to breed a few cows, we have hung out with some of the students. Garry went to the village store for a few items earlier in the week, and everyone is wearing masks to shop in the village stores again. We took our masked and sanitized trip to the grocery store at the mall this evening- pretty much everything is closed except the grocery store with non-grocery items blocked off- its like we are at Wal-Mart in Manitoba. 

Jetlag is a different story, although Garry seems to be hitting a more normal schedule as of last night, I am, as usual, not sleeping much and wide awake until way past midnight, one, two, maybe three o'clock...

Which is why we were both in bed Friday morning at nine am when students arrived for cooking class. I was sleeping so soundly that when Garry asked "Are the kids coming this morning?" I had no idea what kids he was talking about, or even where I was... that's right, my brain was  not even in Ukraine! Less than a week ago we were talking about a whole different set of kids that could be coming over. 

He went out to let them in while I stumbled around and found my clothes and remembered where I was and that the students would be making soup this morning. I started one browning ground beef, another peeling and chopping onions and another pair peeling and dicing potatoes, while I found the tomato paste.

By ten-thirty we were eating soup. 

Thursday morning we were awoken by a knock on a window at 6:15. It was still dark, who could it be? We had forgotten it was old new year, January 14th, and it was the first group of neighbor boys to recite a verse and throw grain over the threshold. Garry put on his robe to answer the door, came back in to get some money (they get candy or money for doing the blessing of the house) and then went back to sleep. Four more guys showed up around nine, but less guys came this year than usually do, maybe because of the lockdown.

Max Rudei says that they can come anytime after midnight until noon. He also said when he was a teenager, they used to mark a path with straw to the home (or gate anyway) of the girl they liked that day. Garry swept up the grain in the porch Friday morning, because  a couple years ago we found out you weren't supposed to clean it up all day.  At least we have a porch this year, at the other house it came in the kitchen door usually!

We are having colder weather (-13 C when we got back from Zaporosia at 7:30 tonight) so Garry has postponed building trusses as warmer weather is supposed to arrive next week.

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