As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 The baby chicks started jumping out of the box Garry had them in the bedroom on Friday. He decided it was time to move them to the second chicken coop they built. This batch was going to Jilia and Dima at the "new house". They didn't get everything ready on Saturday, but they moved on Sunday. 

Garry went to church in the village that day, took an afternoon nap and was in on the zoom call for his father's 90th birthday that evening. Monday morning we were chatting over the internet while he was eating breakfast and talking about how there must be some noisy baby birds outside that stopped yelling if he opened the door to the bedroom the chicks had been in. 

Then we decided that it really sounded like a baby chick. Garry went in and pulled stuff out from under the bunk beds to check. He had to lie on the bed and reach down behind it to pull this chick out from down under the heat pipe that runs along the wall. He gave him a drink of water and took him to join his friends when he went over to the barn that morning.

We hatched a number of chicks that look like this. There are lots of these naked neck chickens in the village these days, it must be a dominant trait. They never get feathers on the back of their necks, so they are a little strange looking.

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