As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Sunday, May 30, 2021


Garry tells me that they did get all the hay baled before it rained on Saturday afternoon. There were twelve gardens to bale up. 

The photos were taken Friday around six pm. Even though it looks cloudy here, it didn't rain until Saturday afternoon. Garry even had time to hang his sheets he washed Saturday morning out to dry on the line. 

They had quite a pile of wheat silage, Max did four loads Thursday and chopped most of the day Friday. Garry went to Dnepro Saturday morning and bought plastic to cover it, so it was done before it rained. 

They disced up the five hectares of wheat ground once Friday, and worked it again and planted the sunflowers. Garry also planted some sweet corn in the bare rows they had left for when they start chopping the corn in the field. They leave it unplanted because otherwise they have to just run it over. The sweet corn will be harvested before it's time to chop the corn silage.

By the way, no drip line was put in yet, they hope to start Monday. I'm told  the corn is six to eight inches tall already. 

 Garry checked the rain gauge after the thunderstorm went through mid-afternoon, they had half an inch of rain. That should be enough to get the newly planted sunflowers out of the ground, and keep everything growing. Garry says the second cut alfalfa is about a foot tall already. The unusually wet spring has meant we have not bought any irrigation water yet for the alfalfa or of course, the cornfields. However, they are pretty sure they will need to this summer so it's time to get the driplines in before the corn gets taller.

They have been buying and bagging up kavas grain ( similar to the beer brewer's grain) . Here's a photo of them at work. This will be fed in the cows feed mix as a protein supplement, we have been buying it for a couple years now. It will keep for months in the bags.

I found out why I didn't hear from Garry Friday morning, he was called to the barn at 5:30 that morning. The cow got up, maybe even before he got there, but he noticed the manure outside needed to be moved, so he went to work because he knew they needed all four tractors working in the fields later that morning.

Unfortunately, one of the Belarus tractors baling hay had a wheel break off (I think, something put it out of action) and they had to fix it. Max has been telling Garry we should sell the oldest Belarus and buy a new one so we have fewer breakdowns. 

As for me, only one more day at the hexaplex and I can move to the farmhouse. Not that I can do much, as Manitoba is shutdown for visiting because of covid. However, I can go buy Garry some socks and on Thursday I have an appointment to get my first covid immunization. 

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