As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, July 20, 2009

July in Ukraine

Hello! It's hot at least 38 for you Canadians. Garry and the boys have been swimming in the village pond, everyday for the last week, except Saturday when they swam in the Dniper river, and today because Jonah was feeling ill( they say he is feeling better now).They met a few people in the village while swimming and managed to communicate with Garry's few words of Russian, their few words of English and drawing pictures in the sand.
I am there part time as I am teaching at the English Institute in Dnepropetroesk, Music and English (no- we are not singing- just using music to practice English) Marina N graciously invited me to stay with her, which how I am posting now.
Garry has bought a car- a Lada and so he drives me in some days, but he hopes to start some renovations to the house we are living in- right now the kitchen and bathroom are out in the summer kitchen so there are plans to fix up the other half of the house.
The electricity was out several times since we arrived in the village, due to storms that do not bring much rain- which the gardens and crops really need.
Garry is busy and I will be for the next two weeks, then we can start to settle in and learn Russian. We are still looking to get some kind of Internet access in the village so keep checking for updates! Photos to come.

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