As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Home in the village

We made it home to the village Friday morning, cooked breakfast and slept for 8 hours (the boys had a nerf battle) The house was warm; the snow that fell the day before was deep, there are drifts and only main roads plowed.
The overnight train was interesting, although I did not sleep much. We were in a six bunk section, were everyone walks through to the toilet/bathroom and the door was at the foot of my bunk. When the train stopped you could hear someone breaking ice loose from the wheels, with the snow fall. Jonah was worried he'd fall out but he stayed in his upper bunk all night- his blanket fell off at least four times though. Both his and Garry's feet were hanging in the aisle most of the night.
This morning we woke up at 5 to the sound of snow sliding off the roof, with temperture rising to almost zero. We may not drive back into Dnepro to church this morning as the roads were not good and the forcast is for freezing rain, but we hope to see our friends there soon. Monday we plan to get back to our daily routine, with the boys getting serious on schoolwork.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that you made it back safe. Your description of the train ride in Ukraine brought back memories from a few years ago. They didn't make those beds for guys my height. :-)

