As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

On his way

Garry is finally on his way to Ukraine- right now he is in the air between Minneapolis and Amsterdam. He will be taking the overnight train from Kiev to Dnepropetroesk Saturday night and arrive in Dnepro Sunday morning. He booked his ticket yesterday morning right after he picked up the mail with the passports in (finally- rejoicing is heard in the background), packed his bag and was ready to go. We had a nice dinner with the boys last night and the little girls who said goodbye to Grandpa.

This afternoon I dropped him off at the airport in Winnipeg after shopping for Noah's birthday present. I was going to take a photo at the airport but forgot as I dropped him off by the terminal door. Noah's birthday was today (also Orthodox Christmas in Ukraine) so the little girls were back tonight for cake and ice cream, along with Jess who drove over after school was out today. Seth and Jonah are off for a weekend youth retreat, so they missed out on the cake (don't feel too bad they are going to be sliding on snow tubes, skating and there is supposed to be a hot tub). You can see how good the cake was as Havilah is licking her plate clean in the photo.

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