Turns out we can use 27 gigs in less than a month- so I've been offline until we got more money on the account. Guess we'll have to cut Jonah's TV downloading to two shows a week. So what have we done all weekend? On Friday morning Garry and Maxim took the forms down on the pit, and poured the floor. They made three loads of cement and put it in bucketloader and poured it in the bottom of the pit- much easier than wheelbarrows- they were done in an hour.
Seth and Jonah got to do their final chemistry experiment for the week- Garry found little plastic packets of drain cleaner on Friday afternoon after his dentist appointment. We had already bought the purple cabbage, and white vinegar for the experiment. The experiments are designed to be done with common household products- but sometimes what is easy to find at home in Canada is hard to find when you can't read the packaging! It called for lye- or powdered drain cleaner as a substitute. The boys boiled the cabbage leaves in water, poured in the vinegar- turning the purple/blue into bright pink liquid. Then they stirred in the teaspoon of drain cleaner (we knew it was drain cleaner because of the illustrations on the package)and watched as it turned greenish and then yellow (hurrah the right color.) They took the test for the module today.
Garry went to Kiev by train early Saturday to meet his brother John who is visiting us for about ten days, he met him at the airport and they came back on the express train to Dnepropetreosk. We called each other a few times- he phoned to tell me my crocus were blooming when he left in the morning. It was a short night- they got in about one am and when Garry got up at 7 am we discovered it was really 8- time changed! So he went out to the barn to gett the morning's milk ready to go to church. The milkers had started late- they didn't get the time change either, I guess. Yana left before Garry Saturday morning to help her parents get themselves and the cattle she bought settled in their new place (she arrived back today- Monday) Luba's son (who is a policeman) came to help milk this weekend (he's married to the daughter-in-law that came last week)
So we were late by the time we all got to church, after dropping off Victor's milk. It seemed like we weren't the only ones that had forgotten the time change. We went to Puzata Hata and bought groceries before heading home. Garry and John went out to help Max feed the cows. John and Garry played Rummicub before heading to bed early.
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