Sunday morning there were giant snowflakes falling as Garry got the car loaded up with milk to head to Dnepropetroesk for church. There was snow on the road as we got further toward the city, which slowed us down a bit- cars were driving with their lights on, as the snow was looking like a real storm. Of course, it did get over freezing by the time church was over, the snow on the roads and sidewalks melted, and puddles were forming in the low spots.
Daryl Porter was preaching at Morningstar and we were surprized to see both him and Molly in jeans- apparently they had arrived Saturday afternoon, but their luggage had remained in Vienna. It sounds like they will be really busy the whole three weeks they are in Ukraine.
This morning Victor drove out and said it was going to be another spring-like day, the temperature was 6 C when he went past the highway temp sign. However the guys spent most of the day outside with coats, hats and mitts on working on the precept (wagon) that Garry bought in January. After trying to find the part to fix it for a a few weeks, (it came in two pieces) Victor was able to find the part they needed- it was made in Russia, it came in and it turns out they have to do a few modifications to make it fit, so now you can see what the bottom of the wagon looks like. It is supposed to be a forage wagon when they are finished (we hope) So at four in the afternoon, it was snowing again, making a nice dusting over the yard, which was frozen with mud under to slide on in spots, and puddles with a skim coat of ice on top.
You can see the new door that Maxim welded for the shed that is attached to the back of the house- made out of steel and with a lock- it's where they keep the tools. Victor had replacing the wooden door on his list of projects and it got done while we were in Canada. I think the window looks like an easy way in if anyone really wants the tools, maybe they will have to beef it up next.
The Nova Lena (turns out it means New Line- think Home Depot-like)store in Zaporosia where we often went for building supplies - some of the guys from the Steinbach building team went there the first night here with Garry- burned down a week ago Saturday- it was supposed to have started in the paint department with some kind of explosion. No one was hurt but the big box store burned to the ground. There is a slightly smaller one in Dnepro where we can get stuff, but there must be a couple hundred people out of work.
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