Today it was bright and sunny as we drove into Dnepropetroesk for team meeting and a dentist visit to get the braces checked out. I just snapped the photo of the crows in the field as we were going past- the whole field was black birds as far as you could see. They are the most common bird to see in the winter, except in the city where there are pigeons. There are several types of crows, one has gray around the beaks, another is gray on the throat and wings, and of course the plain black ones, many of them are hanging on the edge of roads in villages, since there are goodies to find where there is less snow.
I took a number of photos as we drove through Dnepro over the bridge to the left bank for our meeting, it got up to -4 today so there was slush and water as roads and sidewalks melted. But the wind was blowing, people are pretty bundled up yet as they get around in the city. There is a good deal of snow and ice on the Dneiper River, as you can see it the pictures I took going over the bridge. The restaurant sign on the river bank says in English that its a "meat house" I think they were going for steakhouse? Sometimes when theings get translated into English they don't quite get what we'd use - like the restaurant menus in English- a calzone is a closed pizza.
Garry heard on the news that Ukraine had to buy a lot of gas for heating with the recent February cold spell. In the city you can see some smoke stacks billowing- I think they burn coal for the city heated pipes system. I took a photo of one of my favorite apartment buildings (above) on the left bank side of the city- I'm sure it was built during the 1960's with the rocket mural on the side. The shiny mirrored building that reflects the buildings on the other side of the road is the Kino - movies.
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