As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Guests and guests...and quail

Wednesday evening and we are watching televison (almost 9 pm) waiting for Victor to arrive back in the village with his guests. They are returning from Crimea today. There is some apple/pear cobbler cooling, and they are bringing some ice cream to go with it. Garry just made a pot of the new coffee I picked up at Metro today, he says he likes the taste. We keep trying different brands in the coffeemaker, because he doesn't like the brands there, we used to buy Maxwell House but they haven't had it lately. We know someone who brings their favorite coffee in their suitcase when they come back to Ukraine !

Today Garry and Maxim finished getting the chopper back together and ready to go. They put the grass header back on, since they decided to chop the hay Max mowed this week back onto the ground (too many weeds in it to feed the cows, but its good to cut the weeds off so they don't go to seed.)

This afternoon Garry went into Dnepro and picked up Olga Maslo, who works with the CCL part of our mission group, she's one of the Ukrainian missionaries who works with our mission. She helped Garry find material for his VBS this summer. Olya (every Olga I have met here is called Olya for a nickname I think) wanted to bring her two children out to see the farm. The kids are city kids for sure, they are afraid of the cats, dogs, cows.... Andrey even held his nose when we walked in the barn because of the smell, which Garry found hilarious because he thinks that the city smells more than cow manure.

but not the baby ducks, Aliya even held one.

The ladies were milking when they came, almost finished so we went out to the barn, the milk buyer lady's guys were here with the yellow van waiting until Yana and Genia were finished milking so they could buy all the milk. One of the cows kicked the milk bucket over when we walked in front of the cows, luckily, the lid stayed on so no milk spilled. The kids did like the brownies I made yesterday, but they were scared when Jonah's cat wanted to jump up and get petted. By the time they left they had gotten a little less scared of Polo the dog, they even patted him a few times.

They also saw the baby quail. We found a use for the boys' old hamster cage. Yana is trying to raise thesw little guys, Maxim caught them while he was mowing yesterday. I drove Olya and the kids back to Metro (that's when I bought the coffee) afterwards, it was the first time I drove since coming back. You just have to remember to always be aware of both the slow and fast cars on the road and how they will interact with your vehicle.

Look Garry has finally hooked up the two waterbowls I brought back in January for the heifer pens, now no one accidently runs over the little tub wheil filling it for the calves and makes a mess in the cows' eating area!

Our son Josh phoned this afternoon, just as Seth was getting on the bus to school (there is a big time difference) apparently Seth is having a great time going to high school. I talked to Jonah on the weekend, he is enjoying physics, and any other classes with new things to learn. It is really quiet around here with the boys in Canada, but I am working on crocheting Christmas presents for our granddaughters now.

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