As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Moo-ooy Christmas!

Things are quiet tonight after days of Christmas/birthday fun around here on the farm in Manitoba. We heard from Victor today, he was out to the farm yesterday for the Thursday milk to sell, and says that there have been 3 heifer calves and a bull born in the last 10 days, so there must be more milk in the milk tank!

We had the annual Moonshadow Holsteins/Gringo Hogs Christmas party on Saturday night and since the boys were there with all the new girlfriends put everyone in a big family photo.
 The night before we celebrated our daughter's birthday, Sunday we did Garry's, then we all got together for breakfast and presents at 9 am Christmas morning and all the kids were here on the 26th (yesterday) for my birthday.

Christmas morning

The girls all made me birthday cards
Today we enjoyed unseasonable weather- it got up to the freezing point, and Garry helped the boys sort heifers from the field and sheds at the "buffalo farm" this morning (there used to be buffalo on the farm they just bought) and they brought ones close to calving to one of the barns on the home farm.
By tomorrow night we will be back in the deep freeze, unfortunately, -36 C (-32 F for American minds.) That's cold!

In the afternoon we went to Winnipeg to see the Hobbit movie and Garry managed to find two people he knew from Zaporosia at the mall, believe it or not. They are working with the orphans there and are home for the holidays with their young sons visiting family in Manitoba. Garry said they joked before he left that they would see each other at the St Vital shopping centre and they did!

Here's a photo I found online of our orphan Max taken at Christmas at New Hope Center in Zaporosia, it looks like Andrei and Verinika was there too, and Maria of course. Garry talked to her today and she says that he misses us.

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