As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Building and rain

Not huge amounts of rain, but Monday afternoon work on the building stopped late afternoon when a thunderstorm came up. It also rained small amounts Sunday night and Tuesday overnight. It has been cloudy and looking like it might rain all week, with periods of bright sunshine mixed in.

Monday morning the girls painted our gate... until they ran out of paint. We need to buy more for them to finish. That load of clothes on the line was my one load that got a rainwater rinse Monday afternoon, but they were dry Tuesday by noon.

Victor was out Monday and Tuesday and was helping Garry and the guys with the building. The rest of the posts went up Monday morning and since then they have been nailing boards on them to frame the building up. Here's some photos of the guys working.

Here's the two guys Victor and I patched up when they weren't looking- or maybe they did look up- when a board fell off. Victor was standing between them and didn't get hurt.
Andrey got a cut on his forehead

 Everyone declared they looked like they'd been in a fight. No stitches, one black eye and one cut forehead. I found the neon green band-aids! Victor applied peroxide and antibiotic cream and ice, and they went back to work. The lady next door likes to sit and watch them build.

Tuesday they were back at work, in the morning, Garry, Victor and Nikolai were squaring things up and nailing boards on.
And use the chain saw to cut it off

In the afternoon they did the higher work, and Garry stayed on the ground. Max, Nikolai and Andrey (who came out from the city with Victor) were the guys climbing and nailing.

 I was busy baking a cake, and repotting more pepper plants in the afternoon. Around five pm we walked the birthday cake over to Kolya's new house to deliver it to Dima, who was 24 yesterday, the party and the kittens were there.

 Garry and I both got to hold little Matthew- who cried, he's old enough to notice you aren't Uncle Misha, who had been holding him, and took the photo of me.
PS Scott and Shannon we solved the weeds in the chicken pen, Kolya has chickens to tend now, we got some from Yana.

Monday afternoon Garry bought a half dozen old laying chickens from somebody driving past with a loudspeaker, hoping they start laying too. Oksana is scrambling eggs for little Matthew, whose almost nine months old now.

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