As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Most Popular Person

Sunday morning at church it was easy to see who everyone was excited to see there. Garry had Valentina dress Angelina in an adorable dress.

Where did the dress come from? Last week a lady came to get Garry to breed her cow and heard the baby and came in to see her. She lives over on the "high street" (I just found out the first street coming into the village is the high street) and after the cow was bred she gave Valentina a pile of really nice used baby clothes and an umbrella style stroller.

Two of the ladies at church held Angela the whole time. They kept her firmly wrapped up in her furry blanket because they thought she was cold. You can see everyone has masks at church now.

We have been  busy watering gardens and flowerbeds. I transplanted my four-o-clocks and Garry's little zinnias this week, and the very hot sun has been a concern. The zinnias are hiding under plastic flower pots, because the four-o-clocks I planted on Saturday evening were attacked by birds. Half my plants were pecked off a couple inches from the ground before 7  the next morning! I hid the rest under the pop bottles I took off the peppers in the garden that morning. They are a little sunburnt, but don't look too bad. Not sure about the sticks, the ones with a leaf left might make it though.

I've been hoeing flowerbeds in advance of the Crawfords return, we hope they can get back do we can do some kind of SEI this summer in Dnepro, but they are having problems finding flights to get here.

Monday morning I helped Garry with preg checking cows in our barn before seven am, then we went to find the cow someone from church said their cow wasn't coming in heat. I took some photos. They decided to move the cow into the stable to make it easier, but even there three people were holding her still so Garry could use the ultrasound machine. Everything looked normal, so he gave her a hormone injection so she whole have been in heat today.

 Tuesday Max took Valentina to do more documents in the city, she needed a new passport photo. They get their first passport (ID< not foreign passports) at 16, so at 25  they get a new one done. I got to watch the baby. She slept while I crocheted for a couple hours.

Then I fed her a bottle and after, when I was trying to burp her, she threw up. A lot. All over my shirt, the chair, the floor... she seemed fine afterwards. I had to change clothes.

The guys had not finished connecting the irrigation lines, first because they were waiting for the new lay flat hose to arrive, then because it was too muddy and the corn didn't need it with all the rain anyway. This week has been hot- 31 C (88 F) or more the last two days. No rain in the forecast for at least two weeks.

On Monday Garry worked on getting the posts for the hayshed up, and trying to straighten out the already constructed part (it was his goal the week before). Tuesday he mowed that piece of the wheat field they were going to make into hay so they could double crop silage corn. Monday that plan was turned upside down, it turns out some other farmer is growing seed corn and can't have any other corn within 200 meters of his field so Max had to go purchase more seed (we already bought corn seed) and we will grow proso millet to feed the dry cows instead of corn.

Today Garry spent all day out with some of the boys in the hot sun connecting dripline into layflat. I brought them lunch, at noon. The corn has really grown with the rain and the hot weather. It was so hot Garry and the guys went swimming in the pond after they were done. They even tried baling the wheat her mowed yesterday morning late in the afternoon, but it wasn't quite dry enough. We know what they are doing tomorrow. More dripline connecting and baling, I think.

If you know how tall Garry or Sasha are, you know 
how tall the corn is on June 10th, 2020

 I spent most of my day making jam. Garry had frozen strawberries for jam last year and I thawed them to make jam today. Ironically, right when it's hot and there are fresh ones available! Some was strawberry/mulberry, also thawed mulberries and squashed them, I'm cleaning out the freezer.

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