As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Friday, February 19, 2021


Every Friday morning is cooking class this year (unless I'm gone, Garry usually takes over if he's here). It works well, Garry has started giving out the students their weekly cash near the end of class. Almost everyone comes, except the babies with moms now that its cold. This morning it was -19 C.

They enjoy the eating as much as the cooking, almost everyone gets to chop, brown, and stir. Today it was mix, scoop and mold, or beat egg whites and powdered sugar for frosting and dip the hot cookies in it. We made the Ukrainian gingerbread cookies that I had made for Monday night's dinner, except without a mixer (I adapt so they can try it at home.) Next week it's the new guy's birthday and he wants to make pizza, so I don't have to choose what to make.

Can you tell some of the guys don't like being in photos? They agreed that their hands were okay to be in pictures though.

The students were fed (we had tea with the cookies) had had their take home jars of honey and package of frozen ground beef in hand by ten thirty. Garry had to take students to Dnepro this afternoon, Vika and Nikolai had dentist appointments and Max and him were meeting up with Victor and the business manager to change the business registration from the city to the local government so they get our tax money to use locally. 

They planned to leave at 12:30 but Garry wasn't back. At 11:20 he went to breed a cow in another village, but it turned out his two calls weren't about the same cow and someone was waiting by our gate for him to breed their cow as he was coming back from breeding the first cow. He raced back after following the guy there, changed and took his lunch on a plate at 12:45 and headed to the city. As you can see, we got a little more than the predicted centimeter of snow yesterday. At least three inches. 

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