As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Pizza with peas


So Friday was the new guy Gosha's birthday and last week the other students told me he wanted to make pizza, so we did. I had made a chocolate cake Thursday afternoon while Garry was in Dnepro teaching English. We had three teams of three people, not counting kids, until Valentina  came in with Angelina, then one group was four. Her parents took turns holding her. Danil rrand around.

Most of the pizzas were pretty thick with sauce, meat and cheese. No one wanted onion, at least not the whole group,so they didn't use any. The girls' pizza was prettier than the ones made by the other two groups. Both guy groups wanted an egg to put on theirs but I refused. I'm not sure exactly what they were going to do with them but they insisted they always put egg on pizza. Sasha was ready to go check the hen house for one.

They all got a regular piece of the pizza their team made to eat, and a small sample size of all of them, they reminded me to get out the bedarick (gift) sneakers and socks. He doesn't want to be in photos, so just the cake. The students left around eleven. 


d raced off to the dentist's with two students around eight thirty, just before I started feeling unwell, however I made it through class and birthday cake time without running to the bathroom. I was feeling better by late afternoon.

Garry wasn't back with the two students mid afternoon (I'd saved a sample piece of pizza and  a piece of cake for them)  After that,  the other students came back to get paid. 

Apparently inspired by cooking class student's were making pizza this weekend. Alona came over to borrow a few things and then couldn't get her oven to work, so came over and cooked her pizza, She offered us some but we'd already eaten pasta. Luckily, since it was thick with toppings.

Yes, those are peas, she didn't have or didn't want corn, which is a pretty common topping here. First time I've seen peas on pizza.

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