As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, April 26, 2021

Student dinner


Last week when we got home, we told the students I was not up to doing student dinner that Monday, but maybe next week. We were maybe overly optimistic, since we went shopping Saturday morning and Garry barely made it through the store, but after resting this weekend and drinkng more water, he's been feeling good today. We were hoping to do it outside for the first time this year, but as you can see, it was looking cloudy out by eleven am.

I had made brownies Sunday evening for dessert (cookies were one of the things I missed on the grocery list) and after a morning nap today  I chopped some cabbage, fried it in butter, tossed in some garlic powder and frozen chopped onions (I knew that they would be handy last summer) and tossed all that in crockpot one. Then I browned ground beef, more frozen onions and opened ten cans of beans into crockpot two for cowboy beans. 

I made some lunch after Garry got back from breeding cows, then we napped for a couple hours (see we are taking it easy) before Garry went out and I boiled some pasta to go with the cabbage. I mixed them together in the big pot and stuck it in the oven to stay warm. Then I peeled a bunch of hotdogs from their plastic wrappers and boiled them and put them in the now empty crockpot one to stay warm.

It was cool and had rained while we were napping so hotdogs over the fire was not happening. They came they ate and took home leftovers. Garry had fun playing with Angelina.

 Garry washed up the dishes, with a little help from a couple students, and then took off in the car for Nova Lenya to buy paint for a couple of the students to repaint the vents on the barn, they are pretty faded, they need repainting every three years or so. I am sitting and typing, height of ambition, and coughing a bit, too, so I have a cup of antiflem drink by me, as the sun is setting.

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