As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Friday, March 21, 2025

Cheese and construction

 Thursday Garry was out with Oleg delivering cheese and kefir to another group of stores, I think it translates to Cossack Farm (that chain has their own milk) and a delivery to one small Bridge store that's on the other side of Zaporosia, that they don't do on the other days. He tells me the Salami chain want to do an interview with him, the face of Fermer Garry. 

Since it's the shortest delivery day, Oleg picks up groceries for the week for the daily student noon meals that are at the "new house" (remodeled about 10 years ago) on the corner on the way to the barn. Garry says Oleg also buys 2 liter bottles of soda (cheaper in the city than the village) that he sells to the students for less than the village store, in hopes of keeping them from running up unpaid tabs at the store.

They stopped at the hospital and visited Daniel, who's been in the hospital a week- I said hello via messenger chat- he's looking great and getting out of the hospital today (Friday). Garry says from what he heard adults are not staying in hospital as long as in the past because they need beds for injured soldiers, but kids still stay in for a long time with things that probably wouldn't put them in hospital in Canada. 

This morning while Garry was eating toast and making coffee at seven am his time (midnight here in Manitoba) we video chatted for an hour. The little girls woke up, Leila started making breakfast for Butterfly Yulia (there are a lot of Yulia/Julias in our lives). 

He said he didn't have to go anywhere today, so he hoped to get lots of work done on the building project. Max told him that someone in the village asked why we were rebuilding the wood trusses instead of using metal ones, and he said that would take three months, and they want to be done in three weeks. Anyway, he sent me lots of photos while I was sleeping. 

Looks like they were taking the repaired ones back to the site from the shed. Garry was hoping to free Max up to help Andrey with the welding. Today Adam, Daryl and Ken were coming for lunch, Max's mother was going to make it. I'll look for some photos to share.

I also found a photo of the cheese house addition that they have been working on recently. About ten people work on the cheesemaking. 

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