As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Keeping busy

 Garry did go to church in Dnipro on Sunday morning, and spoke at Lena's English class in the afternoon. He said that afterward he went to coffee with some people at a cafe for about three hours. He said he drove home in the dark. He forgot to take any photos on Sunday.

On Monday they got the big shed ready to fix trusses inside, because the weather has turned wet and it's around freezing (Garry had been running around in a t shirt since he arrived). Garry says they have a hundred tons of wheat and sunflowers still to sell. They try to sell crops when they need to buy seed and fertilizer to balance income and expenses. They are spreading liquid fertilizer on the wheat, it's in the big black tanks.

Since it was rainy he and Max drove to Kremachuk to visit a Ukrainian seminary. It's with Kontakt, the mission organization we have applied to join. They did take a photo there, he said the young guy here spoke pretty good English.

Tuesday he delivered cheese again with Oleg and Margo. They take bottles of milk and kefir that are bottled that morning, and different fresh cheeses.  They took 1200 liters of milk and 700 liters of cheese. He's the face on the van delivering Fermer (farmer) Garry milk and cheese, so the people at the store are excited to meet the Canadian. Friday and Tuesday they go to Bridge and Salami stores. 

The biggest order goes to one of the bridge stores, the smaller stores take 50 bottles of milk and 18 bottles of kefir, and some cheese to sell. Thursday they will go to another group of stores they stock once a week. They picked up more new plastic bottles to fill at a warehouse before heading back to the village.

Oleg sent me this photo from Friday, before Garry got a haircut, Tuesday he was wearing sweater under the overalls he was wearing in the photo on the van decal. 

He missed going to Julia's birthday party because he'd made plans to meet our friend Jessica for dinner in Zaporosia. He did give her the present. Hopefully the right one, because today he was asking me where one of the other Yulia's in our house present was, he can't find it.  

Garry says they have fixed about half the trusses already and have about a third of the welding done on the framework. 

Hopefully it warms up soon, I just sent him in a sweatshirt instead of a coat. He's been going through a lot of our stuff in our bedroom, and found some Hope for Each t shirts and gave them away to students. 

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