As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, March 15, 2025

First days

 Garry made it to the village on Thursday, handed out the gifts I sent, and after sleeping well for the first couple days, was awake at 4 am Saturday morning. He is stuck in the bedroom, because he can't get up since the living room is full of sleeping people. Nikolai Michto was drafted into the army a couple weeks ago and Alona and her two children are living in our house now with the other girls (including a new girl Suisha) and Valentina's two kids. So it's very full of people. 

Unfortunately some of the kids have been sick and the doctor paid a house call Thursday evening and our little buddy Danil is in hospital now. His sister was in for two weeks recently. Hopefully Garry doesn't get sick. 

There's two new guys at the house down the street, and a young couple in Victor's little house (former summer kitchen) so five new people added since Garry was there in the fall. 

Friday he went out on the milk and cheese run- they deliver three times a week, and he said it took most of the day.  They deliver bottled milk and kefir, plus the cheeses, to about 35 stores in Zaporosia. One takes 500 litres of milk and 50 kilos of cheese every week. Some are smaller stores that sell less. Leila puts the Ferma Garry stickers on the top of the bottles. 

He also sent lots of photos. Here's one of the guys at their house. Some familiar Sasha and Andrey faces, and some new ones.

He also sent a video of them putting the cement posts up for the new hay shed- to replace the one lost in the tornado last spring. However, my internet is very slow tonight, so I'm sure there will be more photos to show you of the progress to come. 

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