As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

It's mono

It's Tuesday and the official diagnosis is mono. They are puzzled how I caught a children's disease, however it may be an extension of the jetlag... Since I arrived, I have been thankful for a roommate who knows some English, and have talked with a couple of the male patients who know English in the hallway too. "the Canadian lady " is a bit of a novelty. Victor tells me that Thursday they will have more test results back and then we can talk to them about escaping the hospital. Normally mono is a month long hospital stay here!

Here are some secret hospital photos for you to enjoy.  Just got back from seeing ear, nose, throat specialist a lady who di not speak any English... we got through it somehow. Not sure what tablets she thinks I am melting in my mouth though. The mix a spoonful in warm water and gargle thing I have down now.

There are 7 beds in my room, my cot is just big enough for me and my arms beside me. Only 3 on my side of the room because of the sink, everyone has a bedside table for your stuff, and a big cupboard for coats bags and shoes. The bed has a inch thick mattress on springs, skinny girls skim the top, but mine is u shaped when I am in it. I must be feeling better because my back hurts.
Our ward #2
mid day meal you get more than soup, like oatmeal and a meatball

Lunch or dinner or breakfast its soup and bread to eat

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