As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


While I've been busy with the kids and grandkids, Garry has been settling in in Ukraine. I had not caught him online on facebook when I was online (his favorite way to communicate when we are apart)  since he got to the village, so I broke down and phoned last night just before midnight in Manitoba, which is just before 8 am the next morning in Ukraine. I had just gotten home from Steinbach where I attended a meeting with the building team coming from our church in April. After watching for Garry to pop up online for more than half an hour, I decided to call and find out how things were going.

Turns out he is having some problems with his computer, sounds like we need to clean out a virus again, from his description his browsers are corrupted again, I think. I found out he is teaching this week, Maria taught last week when he stayed longer than originally planned. The group home parents taught the first two weeks of the semester, for more on what's happening with the school, click on the bird photo at right.

He is really getting back into the swing of things as he is starting his English groups up this week too, Wednesday and Friday evenings. He tells me the temperatures are above freezing this week.  

 Garry that they got the manure moved from the cement pad behind the barn yesterday. They get the neighbor's big payloader in to dig the manure and straw out of the pile  and into the wagons, apparently it went faster with three tractors (and wagons) to haul it away. Twice a day it gets pushed out of the barn behind the cows by tractor and into the pile.  It gets really messy if it gets too much on the cement pad and can cause problems when it is wet (raining or melting snow) with water backing into the barn building. They pile it up in one of the fields to spread in the spring.

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