As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Clean up

While I'm trying to get stuff organized for leaving (basically pack, decide what goes now, what goes later, what to do with everything else,  wrap birthday presents, send mail, and so on) Garry is keeping busy in Ukraine.

Today he was teaching English in Dnepro from midmorning until late afternoon,  then took the students shopping in Zaporosia in the evening.  They really enjoy the trip to the mall and the groceries are much cheaper than they are in the village.  They usually spend a little of their salary on fries and hamburgers because there's a McDonald's,  too. I had a nice hello with the whole gang as they were leaving the mall, minus babies and mamas, who stayed home this week.

Work is progressing on the building site,  they had the bigger equipment working on Thursday and hoped to finish Friday,  but had to repair the loader tractor, so they couldn't finish.  Garry tells me they did finish today (Saturday).

He says the weather looks good for the next week so he hopes to pour concrete for the foundation pad, before get ice or snow.

Scott sent me more photos Thursday,  you can see they found the cellar under the old house.
I guess by the time I arrive on Thursday I can take photos of the finished concrete pad.

The boys have finished digging the septic and will dig a cistern for water storage.  Garry plans to not run any salty water through this house, so it will be easier on the pipes, taps and hot water heater.
I forgot this photo from Garry, they are dumping the fill next to one of the village ponds and making a beach, the property owners adjoining the pond are happy about it.

Scott sent me a couple of photos after they finished.  He said he would have sent them Saturday but internet was not working in the village.  Garry told me the big walnut trees are still in the front yard. 

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