As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, July 29, 2021

straw and more straw


After the five inches of rain, the guys couldn't bale until Saturday. They did keep busy getting the hay mow ready to put the straw in. They cleaned up and Max and his brothers and Andre (the one who sold brewer's grain for us ten years ago) worked on fixing the tent where the canvas ripped in the wind during the first big storm.

They were able to start combining wheat again on Friday. The crop was huge, as was the amount of straw to bale. They grew a small field of better wheat to use as seed wheat for next year's crop. In order to fit in the rest of the wheat (waiting for the price to go up before selling more) the seed wheat was moved into the container on Thursday. They did sell some seed wheat to a small farmer in the village before moving it, so they could then fill both sides of the Quonset with the regular wheat crop. They have decided to build a second Quonset to store grain, after all it looks like we'll have a really good crop of sunflowers too.

I took the photo on Friday before they finished combining.

Sunday was declared a day of rest before going back to baling on Monday. Garry and I took a two hour drive to church in Kirvoy Rog, I had brought a couple things back from Canada for the Nikkels and had crocheted a little blanket for the new baby due soon. We had a surprise, an English sermon because Daryl was video preaching from Canada.

Monday they had a few problems and quit early at 5:30 because it was student dinner night. I was cooking most of the day, we had watermelon for dessert.

However on Tuesday they got eleven loads baled anf today they had one baled doing straw and the other the second cut of alfalfa on the new seeding (it was where the oats they baled earlier this summer). 

Bear and I walked out to see the alfalfa this morning as we decided not to go on our usual walk. We were following the village herd down the street when a large black dog broke it's chain and came out in the place where there's already another dog as big as Bear running free (normally you only see small dogs out). We backed up a good long ways before turning to go back past the house and up past the church to the field! 

Ome more photo of the garden produce one day this week. 

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