As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, June 27, 2011

Milking machines...almost in use

Saturday morning Garry told me he might pour cement for the footing for the little porch/boot room, but that didn't happen between the AC guys using the door by the kitchen to come in and out and the rain. I went out mid-morning to discover him and Maxim with the vaccuum pump running for the milking machines- I had not realized the two bucket milkers had been delivered. I said I wished I had brought out the camera as they scurried around the barn closing valves and checking for leaks- there was a graet deal of air escaping somewhere. Garry told me to wait and take pictures of them using the milkers later that afternoon. They were off to look for a missing rubber gasket for a metal part in the milkhouse when I headed to the garden to pick more squash.

While I was heating up leftovers and making a salad for lunch they had an explosion of sorts, so no cows have been attached to a milking machine yet. Since they have had to make a few subsitutions because of some things we'd have at home not being availiable here, they had used sewer PVC pipe in the milkhouse (I think for a overflow- to catch any milk or water that gets into the vacuum system) and when they got the leaks sealed and built up pressure- it exploded right over Victor's head! Luckily no one was hurt and when I went out they were washing out an old metal tank to use in it's place. It will be sometime this week before they try to get the milking system running again, Max has some more welding to do.

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