As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Monday, October 10, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in Canada and Happy Columbus Day to all the Americans- I fondly remember coloring pictures of the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria...In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue...

as it turns out Happy Birthday Maxim...we found out after dinner while I was cutting the pumpkin and apple/pear pie for the guys that it's Maxim's birthday today too. That's Max's brother Ruslan in Max's orange coveralls in the photo.

We had chicken, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, jello salad, coleslaw, candied sweet potatoes (I couldn't believe it on Sunday- it first time I found yams at Metro) creamed onions (we grew lots of small white onions in the garden this summer) green beans with walnuts, and I made homemade crescent rolls this morning along with the pies.

I am really thankful that the farm is Manitoba is fine, the crops are harvested and the wildfires stayed away, apparently they were told to evacuate at midnight on Friday, but there is no way to move more than a thousand cows and to where? They had to get the milk truck in on Saturday with a police escort, but never had anything but smake so didn't have to fight the fire. The boys did all the milking themselves since the employees were evacuated. They are able to all get to Morden today for Thanksgiving dinner at their sister's house. I am sure Seth and Jonah are enjoying being together with all their brothers, siter and nieces, and eating lots of pie.

The stands are still selling produce along the highway, we have only had a light frost so far this year, they are busy on the weekends with people buying to stock up for winter. Prices of produce are cheaper than last year, making the buyers and political leaders happy. There is a variety of veggies for sale and there are some stands still selling watermelon.

The farmers in the village have most of their cattle food stored for the winter. they have hay and straw piles, and some grain stored. Many have pumpkin piles by their sheds like this one. They will chop up the pumpkins to feed cows and pigs, some of them have shredders for it.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving - we have so much to be grateful for in our country.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving (Canadian eh?) Peter & Alice
