As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Up and at it

Wednesday morning and apparently I am over jetlag! I was awake at 7 am, ready to start the day (not quite the same as the previous mornings) Garry is itching to use the new cultivator, but decided it was too wet again today, so he has been working on cleaning up the yard here at the house. The milker ladies started this project this week, I guess spring has really sprung, even if everyone is still wearing coats in the village. Garry picked me these wildflowers on Monday.

They use a blanket to cleanup the dead leaves, as you can see in the photo, and bundle it up over there shoulder to carry them away.

Garry took a photo of the hedgehog they found this morning while cleaning the yard, he curled up in a ball and ignored them. They spent 200 grivna so far on cleanup, the police stopped them when they took a load of stuff to the dump, and they had to pay a straffe (fine) because the trailer doesn`t have a licence - we can`t get one either, you can only get one for a new trailer.

Yesterday Garry had a dentist appointment in downtown Dnepro to get a filling done, her office moved and the prices have gone up to reflect the better address. I sat and read while I waited for him, at one point the receptionist came over and turned off the light over my head, I guess she thought one light turned on in the waiting room was enough. It is across from PASSAGE the new mall, we had some lunch at McDonalds before walking to MOST CITY Centre, the nearby mall where we go bowling. Garry won all the games this time, but I did have a nice streak of spares going for a while.

Too bad that I did not throw a camera in my bag for the trip to Dnepro, we saw a white horse pulling a wagon down the side of the highway at the city limit loaded with bags, and in front of the carousel in the square between PASSAGE and McDonalds there was a musical group playing and selling CD`s beaded bracelets and dream catchers. As you may have guessed, they were three guys in Native American dress, complete with feathered head dresses, and they looked like the real thing. Maybe it is a cultural exchange.

Tractors keep going past the window, which gets the dogs barking- ours and mostly the babushka`s next door. She`s out and about today, I just saw her chasing her chickens back in the coop after they spent the day out hunting goodies in the new green grass. Box is sleeping in the sunny windowsill, she seems to be recovering nicely for her surgery, as you can see in the photo they operated on her side, and shaved a big patch of hair off of her.

Monday night Maxim had a meeting in Zaporosia for his and Yulia`s first pre-martial session with his pastor. It was an eventful drive, Max noticed a machine going down the highway and flagged it down, honking the horn, because he wanted a price quote. The waterline for the village irrigation hit a snag when the price to get the line trenched in had doubled from what they expected. They had planned a meeting with the members in the project on Saturday because they needed more money, either for the the original people or get more people to join up. Today (and tomorrow) the line is getting trenched in because this guy agreed to do it for the price they planned on. Garry took some photos for me this afternoon. With school out for spring break they had a crew of guys to help put the pipe in the ground.

Max`s return trip was even more eventful, the clutch cable broke on the the car. Max stopped at a nearby grocery store and bought a shislik stick (a metal skewer) and used it to make a temporary repair to drive home. The next morning it was fixed for real for 20 grivna. Lada parts and labor- you got to love the price.

I have been helping Garry with the new puzzle I bought him while I was in NJ, the rest will go much slower, as the bottom of the puzzle is mostly patchwork quilt, with an old-fashioned farm scene across the top, with cows. Days are much longer, now that it is April, it is 6:30 and it won`t be dark for at least an hour. In fact it was more than a hour before Garry drove the man back to Zaporosia, he is leaving his machine here overnight.

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