As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Thursday, May 16, 2013

One more holiday on Sunday

After all the other holidays May started with, Sunday was the busiest day on the road in Ukraine, as it has been every year on the Sunday after Easter. This is the day when Orthodox believers go to the cemeteries to honor and picnic at the graves of their ancestors. Here are some photos we took on Sunday.
sorry, windshield's dirty - going out of the village

Village cemetery 

every car is on the road today

all heading out to the villages in the morning

Entering the city
the entrance to the big cemetery going into the city

busy crosswalk one day each year

everyone heading in with bags of food and plastic flowers

You can see the new Easter banners at Morningstar 
After church we went to see the diorama downtown by the History museum, and walked around the WWII stuff outside too. The painting is very well done for the diorama, well worth seeing.

Driving down Karl Marx 

outsside the history museum

History museum

Inside the diorama

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