As for me and my house we will serve the Lord....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Almost Easter

In the morning we will be hearing the words Christos vas Chris(t)! (you pronounce that last Christ like chris with a hint of a T after) as Ukrainians (regardless of their beliefs) greet each other with Christ is risen!

The store in the village was busy as people shopped for the big day- many Ukrainians have been fasting for Lent. I saw horses and wagons, scooters, bicycles go by and when Garry and I wlked to the store this afternoon I was wishing I had brought the camera- parked in front of the store was a rotortiller with a seat and a little cart hooked to it.

We had an surprize guest this morning- a sickly-looking (mostly hungry-looking) puppy that appeared in the yard- Polo and Mint both beat him up, but he has stayed all day following the boys to the store twice and coming back again. They have named him Spot, we'll see if he stays.

Today was a bit busy with Maxim gone. Garry drove Luba to the train station in Zaporosia this morning to spend the holiday with her family- except son number 2 (he was helping them garden yesterday) who stayed here to help Yana milk. It took 3 1/2 hours for them to do this afternoon's milking so hopefully she is not gone long- or he gets better at it!

Garry bought his last heifer- I was sure he said that before- but he says he always planned to buy the next door neighbor (on the other side) 's yearling if they wanted to sell. She looks like a real Holstein. Here she is- Misha brought her over- or more she brought him when Garry joked about delivery- with Mint barking and running along underfoot.

The boys finished off this week's math and science tests and helped Garry feed the cows this afternoon. There was a wasp buzzing around the window this afternoon- last week we had one crawl through the screen, and the cats chased it down. The babushka took advantage of the nice weather to do some spring cleaning- I looked out the window to see what the pounding noise was and she was beating her rugs on the fence between the yards.

Around 6:30 the boys had to help Garry chase the heifers back in the backyard- there were at least six out- and in the photo Jonah is chasing that same heifer that Garry bought today! Garry tried to buy an electric fence on Tuesday (he has a fencer) to go around the inside of the fence as they are mashing it going after the green grass on the outside. However the posts are on order- the store only had the three model posts in stock. Hopefully that order comes soon. Once heifers get out, they keep on doing it until something deters them!

As soon as this loads I am off to bed- I didn't get much sleep with the Flyers on the television her finally last night- if they had only won the game. Need to rest up for tommorrow- Christos vas Christ!

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